As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, every business is doing what they can to adapt. Circumstances aren’t nearly the same as they were a year ago. We’ve all had to jump through hoops that none of us could ever have anticipated. Business owners have had to voraciously seek out loans and completely reinvent their businesses in order to survive. This includes everything from how they sell their products to hiring new employees.

Remote working has become the new standard for businesses worldwide. Basically, it’s become the only way to continue conducting business and also maintain safe distances. However, how do you successfully hire new employees remotely? More importantly, how do you bring them on board during such an uncertain time? In this post, we’ll discuss how to successfully hire employees remotely. Keep reading to find out more. 

1. Create An Onboarding Hub

For new employees, it’s important for them to join the team feeling prepared. However, how do you help them feel confident and prepared for starting work without even being in their presence? Remote work is a unique solution to unique circumstances. But it can also provide unique problems, as well. For example: new employees can begin work feeling ill-equipped or unsure if they can adequately perform. Obviously, this is completely understandable considering the circumstances. But there are creative ways to combat this.

Create a hub of online content that describes (in detail) what new hires can expect within their first week. Many successful business owners recommend this step as a way of successfully bringing on new remote hires. Also, they recommend creating pages that are specific to roles, teams and departments. These pages should contain timelines of exactly what new employees should do within their first few days. Also, you can include any other information you think they should know from the start. It’s not just a way to maximize efficiency. In addition, it’s a great way to introduce them to your organization and show them you intend to support them and want them to be successful right away. 

2. “Buddy” System

Several business owners consider this to be an excellent tool for a new hire’s success. Many companies assign their new employees a “buddy,” or correspondent, essentially. They don’t always have to be from their own department or immediate team.

Assigning a buddy to a new employee is a great way to integrate them into your company. In addition to supporting their transition within the company, a buddy provides regular check-ins, provide useful information and generally help them navigate their first few weeks. Assigning a buddy gives your new remote hire multiple opportunities to clarify anything they might find vague, ask whatever questions they like and to seek a greater context for the business. Just because they’re working remotely doesn’t mean they can’t be a significant presence in the company! And a buddy system can help to foster that. 

3. Send A Welcome Gift & Note

With new hires, even tiny steps to welcome them can have an enormously positive impact. A simple acknowledgment of their presence can go a long way towards making them feel welcome and comfortable within the company. However, a small welcome gift with a personal note can have an incalculably beneficial impact on any new hire. Several successful business owners make this a priority with every new employee, and they all cite it as an excellent way to bring in new talent. For a new, remote hire, this won’t just help them to feel welcome, but inspire them to apply themselves and deliver exceptional work.

Even something as simple as a coffee mug, t-shirt or any other personalized marketing item can be of enormous significance to a new hire. Remote employees may already feel slightly disenfranchised and disconnected from the company. But if you send them a custom gift with a note of welcome and encouragement from the whole team, any potential feelings of distance or discouragement will instantly be eradicated. Your new employees will know you have their best interests at heart and are eager to help them assimilate. These simple kindnesses can foster a high employee morale and give your business an advantage over others, attracting talented workers who are drawn to a positive atmosphere. 

Conclusion – MM Accounting

No matter what kind of job an employee might apply for, we all want to know we’re welcomed and appreciated. Remote work presents some very unique circumstances, with unique opportunities to turn to your advantage and strengthen your business from home. Taking any of these simple steps to ease your new hires’ transitions will ultimately help to benefit you and your business.